
New updates and improvements to Ouva.

Care Automation
November 13, 2023

More robust predictions

Our new architecture uses a variety of models and methods working in parallel to get better at identifying patient activities. We are constantly making improvements, so keep an eye out for further updates as we build on this new platform.

New architecture uses multiple methods to provide more precise predictions.

Continuous staff visit log

We've implemented a major update to staff visit recording. New system ensures staff visits are recorded accurately as one activity when there are temporary interruptions in detection.

If Ouva detects interruption in nurse visits, it now smartly combines them into one continuous visit log.

Updated text and language

We updated text and language around the application, particularly in the notifications and patient activity items to be more descriptive.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bed Missing event if there's another person in the room.
  • Improved how sorting and filtering works in the dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue where same data viewed from different time zones would cause mismatch in staff visit event times.
  • Resolved a bug which prevented searching for rooms which include upper case characters in the dashboard page.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the application to break when there is a new patient status after user force-leaves a patient.
Care Automation
August 31, 2023

This update brings an update to patient overview, system fixes and API changes.

Updated patient overview page

We updated the patient overview page layout to emphasize the room status and the current alerts. In subsequent updates, live view will be only available to system administrators.

Fixes & Improvements

  • We significantly improved the Ouva backend related to the platform's scalability.
  • We fixed an issue that improved responsiveness in the patient view.
  • We fixed a bug that caused an incorrect device offline notification during an ongoing patient transfer.
  • We resolved an issue where the loading indicator would prematurely disappear if the initial query failed.


  • We fixed a bug caused by the URL character limit imposed by the database.
  • We fixed a bug that allows sending resolution-related fields in a notification update endpoint invocation.
  • We fixed a major bug related to integrations caused by our services not being able to access headers while consuming messages.
  • We fixed a bug that prevented wander risk flag persistence via the API patient session endpoints.
  • We updated sensor URL-related DTO validation for all API endpoints to allow longer URL strings.
  • We removed unique name constraints for room and department records in the patient service since all third parties can now use reference key-based requests instead of previously used name-based requests.
  • We implemented a new filter to log all incoming HTTP requests for services with RESTful APIs.
  • We implemented a new endpoint to retrieve an active patient session, if it exists, by its related patient reference key.
  • We implemented URL validation to ensure third-party clients do not send malformed URLs.
  • We implemented OAuth2.0 token-based authentication in the API client's integration service to enable integrations with OAuth2.0-enabled third parties.
  • We implemented custom token-based authentication in the integration client for clients that require it.
  • We implemented a token refresh mechanism in the client integration service with an authentication timeout.
  • We implemented a configurable patient session validation mechanism in the person-metadata adapter service for person-metadata messages sent from the ML side so that the service can differentiate between related/unrelated messages. This will allow us to deploy in a clustered mode for pilot setups (See pilot PoC deployment)
  • We implemented a new endpoint to fetch all active patient sessions.
  • We also improved existing patient session-related GET endpoints to include room and sensor data in them.
  • We also improved existing room-related GET endpoints to include sensor data in them.
  • We improved patient session-related endpoints to allow deleted (soft delete) records to be reused.
Care Automation
August 16, 2023

We have reduced bandwidth and processing power requirements, introduced several new user features and continue to make Ouva the best healthcare enterprise AI solution for virtual care.

2x less bandwidth

We decreased the minimum recommended resolution across all sensors by half. This reduces network bandwidth and processing power loads needed.

Dynamic dashboard sorting

You can filter and sort the dashboard dynamically. For example, you can sort rooms by priority, first showing the rooms with the most critical alerts.

Search inside tables

You can filter patient and configuration tables. Click on the 🔍 icon found next to column titles to search.

Inbox indicator with color

The inbox indicator dot now shows the most critical alert color. You can find it on the side menu when the inbox is closed.

Fixes and Improvements

  • We fixed a major problem that caused our platform to build a large memory footprint and crash over multiple days of continuous use.
  • You can collapse/expand all sensors and details on the rooms configuration page.
  • We updated the visual theme of the sidebar.
  • We refined the app's aesthetic consistency by harmonizing font sizes and other stylistic elements across sections.
  • We standardized loading animations and their behaviors throughout all pages and widgets.
  • We added the missing "sitting on the chair" icon on the dashboard.
  • We fixed an issue that showed more than 60 minutes in hourly mobility charts and more than 24 hours in the daily charts.
  • Resolved an issue that displayed ">1" mobility amount for newly admitted patients, ensuring it shows 0 as expected.
  • We resolved an issue in the "Rooms with sensors" form that occurred after the username field was populated and cleared.
  • We resolved an issue in the patient admit dialog, making search fields resilient to inadvertent space characters.

Technical Improvements

  • We now have better logging to identify issues with video streams.
  • Before enabling video streams, we added a secondary check for the sensor URL format.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented persisting wander risk while starting a new patient session.

NVIDIA Optimized

We have highly optimized our AI models for NVIDIA processors. This new upgrade now allows for lower latency and higher throughput on the Ouva cloud and your data centers that NVIDIA powers.


  • Improved API endpoints to include sensor, room, department, and patient reference keys so that consuming clients no longer need to send another GET request to fetch related reference keys.
  • Implemented a new GET endpoint to fetch all active patient sessions with all related records in one go (patient, room, sensor, department).
  • Improved room-related GET endpoints to include related sensor and department records as well.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the patient session start endpoint to return a different patient reference key than the one provided in the first start request.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented handling a valid patient session start request with a deleted sensor.
  • Removed unique constraints of room and department records.
Care Automation
August 2, 2023

New person detection model

We replaced the previous pose-based people detection model with a new modern one that is faster and performs better in cases where the system previously failed (e.g., sitting in bed with the back towards the camera).

This version is able to detect people better in some cases where previous models failed.

As part of this new change, the live view no longer displays poses and shouldn't be relied on to understand patient status. With this update, the Ouva bed and patient status are more accurate, and users should use it instead of live visualization. We are currently soliciting feedback from customers and partners to deliver an improved live view to solve specific telehealth challenges.

Faster bed and sensor setup

We implemented a new 'Beds' dialog, where sensors and beds can be created together for fixed camera deployments. With the 'Create more' button, you can quickly set up as many devices as you need without reopening the dialog.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Improved the readability of the Hourly Mobility Chart by reducing the quantity of labels on the horizontal axis.
  • Live view now shows 'Connecting', previously, it showed 'Offline' until it connected.
  • The mini alerts that appear on top of the application when an error is received can now be dismissed before its timer.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the use of updated bed and chair locations.
  • Resolved an issue wherein dropdown menu items were not interactable outside the text boundaries, thereby improving usability.
  • Eliminated issues where Ouva wrongly classified patients as out of the room.
  • Fixed a minor bug that prevents the web application from requesting room layout in the new room view.
  • Fixed a minor bug that caused logging to halt.
  • Fixed a minor bug that caused authentication problems.
  • Fixed a major bug in Kubernetes deployments that caused multiple patient sessions and prevented generating new notifications due to the wrong patient session.
  • We improved the speed at which records are retrieved from the database.
  • Added 'd' after the length of stay in the patient header.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented scrolling to the last item in the Inbox.
  • Improved Dutch translations 🇳🇱


These technical changes are related to security and deployment procedures.

  • Migrated all Ouva backend services to mitigate dozens of potential security vulnerabilities.
  • We replaced the deprecated and vulnerable authentication mechanism with one that allows us to implement all of the security requirements defined by OAuth2.0 spec. In addition to the existing token authenticity check, we can now validate "who" generated the tokens.
  • We can now upgrade to the newer Keycloak versions that support cloud (i.e., Kubernetes) deployments.
  • The new library can auto-configure itself based on one Keycloak URL, removing a complex and error-prone operational step in future releases.


  • Updated documentation for all APIs to include all exposed endpoints and to indicate all mandatory fields.
Care Automation
July 19, 2023

In this update, we have made several quality-of-use improvements, increased Ouva performance and released some changes to the API for integration partners.

Application Changes

  • When you hover over the activity log events, you will see the complete time and date.
  • As you navigate Ouva, the browser titles change based on the page.
  • All date fields (e.g., entering patient birthdate) are localized to the region of your Ouva deployment. 


  • Fixed an issue with dashboard cards that didn't show some of the notifications. Now, inbox and dashboard cards are synchronized, showing the same alerts, so you can use either view and not miss anything.
  • Optimized activity log so it loads faster.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented room record updates.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented coordinate deletions when modifying room layout during configuration.


  • Improved APIs to return a more meaningful error response in case of an invalid JSON request payload so that third-party clients can handle these error more easily.
  • Developed new fetch-all and fetch-one endpoints for rooms, sensors, departments and patients.
Care Automation
July 5, 2023

We are beyond thrilled to announce the launch of our version 1.0 after four years of research and development followed by beta launch in 2022. This update also features a brand-new dashboard view, designed meticulously based on the feedback from nurses, to provide a clear visualization of data from the bedside.

Brand new dashboard

  • We have refined and brought back the alert colors to the dashboard.
  • Every card shows a related icon based on the patient's current status.
  • Dashboard no longer displays the empty rooms to improve clarity. You can now use the Admit button top right to admit patients.
  • Adjusted dashboard card arrangements to effectively utilize the space between room numbers and patient names.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Like other charts, the Daily Mobility widget now shows the total patient mobility above the chart.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented patient transfer actions from completing successfully.
  • Ouva runs faster thanks to additional optimizations to underlying services, such as Activity logs and notifications.
  • Fixed an issue preventing ongoing ADT events from being highlighted in blue within the Activity log on the patient page.
  • Adjusted dashboard card arrangements to effectively utilize the space between room numbers and patient names.
  • Fixed a bug that failed to display a validation error when a user activated the "has mobility" switch but did not provide a value.
Care Automation
June 21, 2023

This update brings new changes enhancing data interperatability, user experience, improving system stability, and bolstering backend architecture for better scalability and redundancy.

  • Updated inbox to enhance interactivity and refine the user experience.
  • Today's mobility chart shows before the "all days" chart.
  • Resolved an issue causing the hourly mobility chart to wrongly display durations exceeding 60 minutes within an hour.
  • The total daily mobility now also shows above the daily mobility chart.
  • Improved stability of the room layout detection.
  • Fixed an issue that causes room layout detection to crash when only a tiny section of the equipment is detected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ongoing staff visits not to get recorded as an activity record when the patient status goes into standby.
  • Added a configurable limit for the maximum number of simultaneous patient sessions to prevent system overload when Ouva runs on limited resources.
  • Configured backend architecture to work with multiple node clusters for redundancy and availability.
  • Updated tables in sensor, room, and patient record pages with a consistent page size changer display.
  • Optimized duration labels across all widgets to represent durations under a minute as "<1m"
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the display of a loading indicator on the patient view when navigating from one patient to another while within a patient page.
Care Automation
June 7, 2023

In this update, we have brought quality of use improvements to daily use of the Ouva platform.

Better charts

We have taken the feedback and made the charts more readable, ensuring clear visual distinction between different activity types and easier data interpretation.

Ongoing issues always visible

All ongoing events (e.g., bed leave alerts, bed turnover delays) are now pinned to the top of the activity log. This way, even if a warning has been active for a long time, you will see it when you visit the patient.

Fixes & improvements

  • Enhanced the Dutch translations in the web app
  • Fixed a bug that caused patient status to stay the same even after a patient left the room after a discharge.


  • Refactored all PUT/POST type of API endpoints to return the updated model object to allow for third-party integration clients to manipulate our data easily.
Care Automation
June 1, 2023

In this update, we have made several under-the-hood changes to the Ouva platform to reduce issues and improve usability.


  • Optimized staff detection model to be faster and require less resources.
  • Overhauled communication throughout the system to address consistency problems regarding patient flow.
  • Implemented a new database to make querying statistical data (e.g. nurse visits, patient status) more accessible and performant.
  • Implemented additional updates for sensor and room changes, enhancing responsiveness and real-time user experience.


  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect mobility data if the last patient status is the same as the previous day.
  • Fixed a bug that caused missing staff visits due to another problem in the ongoing staff visit query.
  • Fixed a bug that caused empty patient status alerts.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in duplicate room streaming problems.
  • Fixed a bug that caused room layout to disappear under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect Device Offline notifications.
  • Fixed a bug that caused inconsistent states in the activity service after a Patient Admit event was received.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Staff Visit Delayed notifications to appear for a discharged patient.
  • Fixed a possible security flaw due to the long token lifetime, as this prevents session revokes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a delay in the starting up of Live View.


  • Removed PUT and PATCH bulk endpoints of patient session in favor of separate endpoints for each resource.
Care Automation
May 12, 2023

We are excited to announce the release of Ouva version 0.13, which includes several new features and improvements to enhance patient observation capabilities.

New Activity Detection Model

We have completely revamped our AI for capturing patient activity, built on years of research. We trained a completely new model, which now uses thousands of images collected over several years. We made it more robust and accurate, going beyond pose capture and allowing for the addition of new capabilities quickly. Furthermore, the updated model requires fewer hardware resources, making it even easier to scale AI across hospitals.

Better Room Layout Capture

Our upgraded room capture AI has increased performance and significantly higher accuracy. It automatically detects equipment such as beds and chairs, eliminating manual calibration and making it easier for your nurses to focus on patient care.

Faster UI

We have implemented optimistic updates in the web app for the department, notification, and patient records. This new method applies your changes immediately, improving the speed and efficiency of your interaction with the Ouva dashboard.

We have also fixed a bug that caused disconnection of the WebSocket on room transfers, ensuring a smoother experience for your caregivers.

Care Automation
April 27, 2023

In this minor update, we have improved the following:

  • Better handling of errors in the application
  • Fixed page flicker when past activities drawer is open
  • Implemented sanitization across all the forms
  • Resolved an issue that incorrectly displays the last visit as the current visit within the status widget on the patient page
  • Define environment variables to activate segmentation acceptance criteria, update segments periodically, and send pose-based action predictions.
Care Automation
April 13, 2023

In this update, we've added fall detection support, improved mobility widgets and API, enhanced app responsiveness and tracking performance, updated inbox UI, and fixed numerous bugs related to notifications, request handling, and UI display.


  • Added support for the fall detection alert in the app.
  • Improved mobility widget and chart labels.
  • Updated inbox color schemes.
  • Fixed a bug that breaks existing fall risk notification in case a fall detection critical alert is produced.
  • Fixed a bug that treats an active fall detection notification as a one-time activity record. It will be treated as an ongoing activity until manually resolved.
  • Made improvements to shorten delays between internal services.
  • Fixed a bug preventing requests from continuing after they fail.
  • Fixed a bug that crashes the app on some pages when a request fails.
  • Fixed a bug that retries to connect to the live view after it is closed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to send two requests for the same endpoint after one failed.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the inbox from expanding to the total available window height.
  • Fixed a bug where some requests show a success message when they fail.
  • Fixed a bug that causes admitted rooms in the dashboard to show the "admit patient" label.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents disabling inactive rooms on startup.
  • Made several improvements to the responsiveness of the web application.
  • Made several improvements to the overall tracking performance of the AI components.

API Improvements

  • Improved patient-session standby/resume endpoints to return error response when specified reference key is invalid or does not match any valid record.
  • Added versioning to all API endpoints to manage endpoint updates in future releases easily.

Care Automation
April 3, 2023

In this update, we've focused on enhancing the overall user experience by fixing various frontend and backend bugs, improving security measures, and optimizing performance. Key updates include:

Fixes and Improvements

  • Added admit patient button into the dashboard header
  • Fixed a bug that prevents creating a sensor record without a password and updating the password of an existing record.
  • Fixed a bug that displays wrong mobility value in the patient summary widget
  • Fixed a bug that allows users to provide sensor URL credentials within the URL input
  • Fixed a bug that allows the disabled delete button in the patient page header to show the confirmation popup.
  • Optimized database with the increased number of connections & shared buffers
  • Fixed a bug that caused a system error while resolving the notifications.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect device offline notifications.
  • Improved API query performance.
  • Fixed various API errors that cause inconsistent database records (e.g., patient sessions without rooms)
  • Fixed a bug that caused an OK response on some API endpoints even though the related records never persisted.
  • API endpoints now always return the patient reference key and always require a reference key when starting a new patient session.
  • Developed new patient session standby and resume endpoints.

Security improvements

  • Disabled outside access to internal endpoints
  • Limited access to HTTP methods for the query API
  • Configured identity system to store end-user events for up to 3 days for security auditing.
  • Configured all backend services and identity services to require SSL for external connections.
  • Cleaned up all static URLs to prevent additional security bugs.
  • Fixed a possible security bug that may enable valid tokens without the required query role to access the query endpoint.
  • Developed audit tables for sensor and department changes.
Care Automation
February 13, 2023

Explore full bedside activity

To display data from the bedside within milliseconds on every device, we now load only recent patient activity when viewing a patient. We moved all data over 12 hours old to a separate view, where you can explore the entire patient log.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that shows the last visit instead of the current stay in the summary widget in patient view.
  • Fixed a bug that displays the room's reference key instead of the room number in the patient transfer widget.
  • Fixed a bug that causes rooms to get disabled.
  • Improved the performance of the patient status updates.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents active fall-risk/wander-risk notifications from resolving when another person enters the room.
  • Fixed an issue that causes patients (and other table views) to lose order when there are two records with the same name/label etc.
  • Fixed an issue that generates false device offline notifications.
Care Automation
January 30, 2023

In this minor update, we have resolved several minor but persistent issues.

  • Fixed an issue that causes a false staff visit due notification when the patient never arrives at the room after admittance.
  • Updated header in patient page with the new design which now allows editing and deleting the patient without leaving the page.
  • Eliminated redundant network requests.
  • Fixed a bug which shrinks notification icons in inbox widget.
  • Fixed a bug which causes invalid aspect ratio in the live view in patient page when the patient is transferred into another bed with different sensor dimensions.
  • Fixed a bug which prevents dismissal of the "Waiting for the patient to leave" label after patient leaves the room.
  • Fixed a bug which causes invalid transparency value in the unavailable room cards in the dashboard page.
Care Automation
January 18, 2023

As we move towards the official 1.0 launch, this update brings inbox, activity log, updated design, new events and more to nurses and sitters everywhere.


We have launched a new way for nurses and sitters to access their departments' most important alerts and warnings. Through Inbox, you can get fall or wander alerts, round and patient flow delays detected via AI and delivered to you no matter where you are within the app.

If you are in dashboard mode (displaying all patients on a screen in a hallway, for example), you can hide the Inbox. Clicking on an alert will take you directly to the patient, where you can see their status and whether they are alone.

Suppose you think the alert was thrown in error. In that case, you can manually resolve it, informing our team to improve the detection models.

Suppose a critical alert disappears before you see it (for example, a fall-risk patient leaves the bed and gets back). In that case, you can find it under Recently Resolved. And if you would like to continue to alert the team, you can Unresolve it.

Activity log

You can now find all previous alerts and warnings, times when people and staff arrived and left the bedside, patient's mobility events, and more under the Activity log. The ongoing alerts (such as an active fall risk) and events (discharged patients waiting to be taken out of the room) are shown on top until they are resolved.

When you view the log, a line separates all previous events from the ones you have not seen yet, allowing you to quickly catch up with the bedside activity.

Updated design

We have updated everything about how the Ouva application looks and feels with the primary goal of easier access and better visibility of immediate actions available.

Patient detail tabs

To show only the relevant content and not overload the views with data, we have separated patient charts into their own tabs. We created a section on the Overview page where you can see the most essential patient chart relevant to your department.

Patient flow events

We now display an ongoing event from when a patient order (admit, transfer, discharge) is received until its completed. For example, when a bed is assigned to a patient, an ongoing event shows that Ouva is awaiting the patient's arrival. If there is a delay based on a department-level threshold, it displays a warning accessible across all devices. When the patient arrives at the room, the event is marked complete automatically.

Multi-level alerts and auto-resolve

We now support multi-level alerts. For example, if a fall-risk patient sits on the bed, you will receive a warning. The notification will turn into an alert when the patient attempts to leave the bed. When the patient sits back, or a nurse or visitor attends to the patient, the notification automatically resolves. All the settings are configurable based on the department's needs.

WebRTC streams

If your telehealth cameras run on WebRTC, a common video communication protocol, you can enter its link into the device settings and have its stream processed by Ouva just like any other camera.

Fixes and improvements

  • Patient status and alerts are now separate. You can both see the patient's status (out of bed) and related event (fall risk alert). Previously, the alert replaced the patient status text.
  • Fixed an issue where heads in the live view are drawn with the wrong size.
  • Fixed an issue where some patient, sensor, or bed edit/create drawers only show "Edit Record" instead of the related action.
  • Fixed an issue that disables the transfer button for some patients.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents the patient admission drawer from working after a failed admission.
  • Fixed an issue that keeps previous patient pose stream when the bed is changed without leaving the patient page.
  • Fixed an issue that causes a slight difference between a widget's values and those in the chart.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents proper scaling of the live view widget on the patient page.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents updating the aspect ratio of the live view when a patient is transferred to another bed with a different resolution sensor.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the related service to miss notifications when there was no prior patient risk record before a new patient session
  • Fixed a camera connection issue.
  • Fixed an issue that causes random streaming terminations.
  • Fixed an issue that causes service termination deadlocks and streaming outages.
  • Fixed an issue that stops room layout to be detected on re-admit.
  • Added support for Ampere GPU cards.
  • Updated the base images and dependencies to mitigate security issues.

Care Automation
October 24, 2022

This update includes changes behind the scenes that improves overall reliability, accuracy and safety of the Ouva platform.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Added HTTP/2 support for more modern and efficient communication between the Ouva services.
  • Improved occupancy information via minor fixes.
  • Fixed an issue that causes incorrect mobility computation when the session is in standby mode.
  • Minimized data from the patient stream to reduce the traffic bandwidth.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented backend communication from being done asynchronously.
  • Implemented a new check to avoid adding a second sensor to a room.
  • Implemented more descriptive error when there is a data integrity violation in the database.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused multi-threading problems.
Care Automation
October 12, 2022
  • Fixed a bug which causes patient page to request an additional query on page load.
  • Fixed a bug which causes date pickers to disregard the target locale.
  • Fixed a bug which prevents visibility of the vertical chart axis label.
  • Added descriptive error feedback for when user tries to attach a sensor to a bed which already has one.
  • Improved Dutch translations. 🇳🇱
  • Added additional metrics and alerts for databases and the logging environment.
  • Care Automation
    September 27, 2022

    Faster page loading

    Ouva offers time-critical applications, and for some, every second counts. After listening to customer feedback, we drastically improved the patient page's loading time by adopting a layered approach to how we load data so that you can get the information as it appears instead of waiting for the entire page to load.

    Fixes & improvements

    • Configured execution time metrics for all DB operations
    • Increased GraphQL response timeout to 30 seconds
    • Increased the number of application server threads to 16 to allow for more concurrent users.
    • Enabled gzip compression for all GraphQL and REST endpoints to minimize response payload.
    • Implemented asynchronous GraphQL resolvers to resolve a request concurrently.
    • Limited MongoDB pipeline execution timeout to 5 seconds.
    • Increased memory limits for some backend containers.
    • ChangeRoomState messages now contain bed coordinates to make segmentation work.
    • Added PATCH mapping for sensor update requests to avoid sending credentials during updates.
    • Fixed a bug causing some Kafka messages to get incorrect deserialization in Kafdrop.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the patient page to fire an additional query on load.
    • Speed up the attribute queue consumption by reading person crops from Redis instead of multiprocessing queue.
    • Fixed a bug related to sending pose messages to backend.
    • Improved room layout information usage by sending the initial coordinates at the start.
    Care Automation
    September 12, 2022

    Fixes & Improvements

  • Set memory limits for third-party backend tools.
  • Configured backend containers to export metrics in case of an out-of-memory error.
  • Added additional measures to protect sensor credential.
  • Set memory limits to Machine Learning services.
  • Prevented memory leak caused by Machine Learning service messages.
  • Care Automation
    September 5, 2022

    User interface improvements

    You can now see when a nurse or doctor last visited the patient. When a visit is in progress, you can see how long it has been.

    • Improved nurse visit chart shows the patient's entire day.
    • Updated patient view improving the widgets' layout, spacing, and sizing.
    • Improved Dutch translations.

    Performance & precision improvements

    We made several performance improvements to the entire platform.

    • An improved AI model that uses a greatly expanded dataset provides better hospital staff detection.
    • We made many improvements to the auto-detection of the room layout.
    • We now distribute beds evenly across the hardware to use the resources efficiently.
    • The room occupants list is now more stable thanks to a new algorithm that uses action recognition predictions.
    • Improved the rate of new data updates in the dashboard.

    Security improvements

    We have made several improvements to secure deployments further.

    • We moved all credentials out of the container files.
    • Added and configured authentication mechanism for in-memory database connections.
    • Sensors credentials are now entered in the application via separate username and protected password fields. We now encrypt and safely store the credentials using AES-256.
    • We disabled access to sensor credentials via any query to avoid exposure to outside access.

    New service alerts

    We have added new alerts from the services running on the Ouva platform. These notifications will allow our engineering team to respond to unforeseen issues rapidly.

    Other fixes and improvements

    • Fixed an issue that causes notifications of a previous patient visit to show up in the dashboard.
    • Fixed a bug that can cause axis labels and ticks of the charts in the patient view to be partially blocked.
    • Fixed a bug that can display the wrong scale in the mobility charts.
    • Fixed a bug that causes invalid current and last visit duration in patient view.
    • Fixed an issue that disabled the incorrect services occasionally.
    • Added an availability flag to allow the web client to use one unified GQL query for all beds.
    • Improved error reporting within the application.
    Care Automation
    August 3, 2022

    Features & Improvements

    • Improved patient page layout for better visibility of the timeline widget.
    • Added support for Honeywell cameras.
    • Dutch translation improvements.


    • Fixed a bug where patient creation and edit form allows negative values and more than 1440 minutes for the target daily patient mobility field in the web app.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the web app to use the user’s system or browser locale to format localized dates instead of provided web app locale.
    • Refactored static date labels in the web app for better localization.
    • Fixed a bug that prevents masking the credentials from RTSP URL if they include non-word characters in the sensors table in the web app.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the web app to crash when the live support is not configured correctly.
    • Fixed a bug that may cause a memory leak due to operations on unmounted react nodes.
    • Fixed a bug causing overlapped object predictions.
    • Prevented usage of misshapen bed visualization.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the streams to not loop properly.
    • Improved handling of the subprocesses for better multiprocessing handling.
    • Fixed a possible bug that may cause the camera stream to continue when one of the instances crashes and the broker re-assigns partitions.
    • Fixed a bug that shows a bed asset even though there is no bed in the room.
    • Implemented the ability to automatically revert any broken Data Definition Language changes (DDL) in a database.
    • Fixed a minor problem that incorrectly shows only the last patient mobility data in the hourly mobility charts.
    • Fixed a bug that causes fall risk alert notifications to remain even when an end user removes the related patient flag.
    • Improved error logging mechanism.
    • Improved metrics collection for system health monitoring.

    API Improvements

    • Added missing validation rules for all API endpoints & now the related service returns HTTP 400 for all invalid requests.
    • Configured timeouts for all Mongod queries to prevent GraphQL service from waiting too long.
    • Fixed a performance issue that causes GraphQL requests to timeout when pose database collection becomes too large.
    Virtual Assistant
    July 28, 2022

    New feature: Floor Directory

    Assistant displays can now show floor directory alongside the map. Locations are automatically grouped by the direction from where the patient is currently looking at the screen and commonly recognized destinations will show their respective icons.

    Care Automation
    July 5, 2022

    Live Support

    You can now access our support team via Intercom integration live by clicking on the chat button on the bottom right.

    Tracking & Visualization Improvements

    • Better equipment tracking when the equipment is occluded.
    • Stabilized the staff recognition model for more accurate occupancy information.
    • Improved patient activity recognition when misleading activities are visible.
    • Improved chair and bed visualization with for more accurate predictions.
    • Updated "Patient Discharged" label with "Discharge ordered".
    • Improved live pose visualization.


    • Fixed a bug that prevented "nurse rounding due" warning notifications from being generated.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented a patient from being admitted into an available room due to their session not ending properly.
    • Fixed a bug that breaks the room-patient relationship when a "force leave" action is sent while a new patient status message is received at the same time.
    • Fixed a bug where Nurse Visits Chart in history page would stack all records in center of the chart when records exceed a certain amount.
    • Fixed a bug where Mobility Chart bar height grows more than the scale of the chart.
    • Fixed a bug where the form would stay in loading state without showing a user friendly error when daily mobility target is sent with a value larger than 1440 minutes.
    • Fixed a bug that causes application health monitoring dashboards to break.
    • Fixed several backend issues that affect the health of the system and service communications.

    API Improvements

    • Implemented a security measure to prevent any issue that can cause the GraphQL server to halt when a request with a cyclic dependency is received.
    • Fixed a bug that causes an invalid query response when a patient session does not exist due to the GraphQL server not conforming to the schema.
    Care Automation
    June 6, 2022

    Improving patient mobility reduces the time to recovery. Ouva non-invasively tracks patient ambulation and reports to care providers on their progress. This update has brought new data analysis capabilities to understand and act on this data.

    Set mobility targets

    Mobility programs in healthcare change from department to department and across patient conditions. You can now set department-wide or per patient mobility targets. Ouva tracks patient progress towards this target daily.

    See daily and weekly progress

    Understanding patients' mobility trends is an integral part of a recovery program. Ouva now displays daily and weekly charts to show how patients progress towards their discharge targets. When they take over a shift, nurses can glance at all patients to see who needs the most attention.

    Fixes & Improvements

    • Updated hourly mobility chart to show whole hours of the day.
    • Improved staff recognition model using new neural network architecture and more diverse synthetic data.
    • Improved the method to determine the occupancy information in the patient's room.
    • Improved the action recognition model for stabilizing the patient predictions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused nurse visits to continue after patient transfer.
    • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect mobility data after patient transfer.
    • Fixed a bug that associated nurse visit data only with a room instead of a patient.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented existing notifications from clearing during patient transfer.
    • Updated mobility widgets to show <1 minute instead of 0 when active duration is less than a minute.
    • Fixed a bug that causes intermittent disappearance of dashboard room cards between each query update

    API Improvements

    • Enhanced logging capabilities for GraphQL API requests.
    • Fixed a bug that causes invalid query intervals in GraphQL requests in patient view.
    Care Automation
    April 26, 2022

    New integration: ADT & HL7

    Ouva now integrates with the hospital ADT feeds to automatically receive the latest patient and bed requests. Ouva compares the requests to the actual live data it gathers from the bedside to predict and prevent patient flow delays.

    Support for cloud streams

    We have revamped our camera integration to support cloud telemonitoring applications. Now, running Ouva is as simple as entering a link to a camera web stream.

    New API for better integrations

    We have moved our entire API to the more efficient and flexible GraphQL. As one of the industry-standards, GraphQL is a modern framework that allows building complex and quick interactions.

    Fixes & Improvements

    • Dashboard room cards now show full patient names or initials with a tooltip to show full patient names based on the length
    • Action prediction performance improved in misleading pose data cases.
    • All recorded test videos now loop automatically.
    • API error codes overhaul to give end-users and developers alike more information regarding any runtime issues.
    • Improved warnings and errors of the web application with more elaborate descriptions based on the response error codes
    • Improved staff recognition model with a new classification model.
    • Reduced clicks by automatically focusing on the first input field when opening forms.
    • Added version number and release notes link into the application side menu.
    • Fixed a bug that prevents mobility data of multiple days from showing up.
    • Fixed a bug that causes incorrect nurse visit counts.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes causes some notifications to disappear.
    • Fixed a bug that causes an empty occupancy card even though there are people in the room.
    • Fixed a bug regarding connection pooling that causes database connection errors while scaling services.
    • Added additional security measure by adding basic authentication for Kafdrop.
    • Now supporting read-only privileges for externalized services by upgrading databases to Postgres 14.
    • Fixed a bug that causes nurse rounding notifications even though the patient session is put on standby mode.
    • Fixed a bug that prevents existing nurse rounding notifications from being canceled when the patient session is put on standby mode.
    • Long-form fields like the sensor URL field in the sensor form have clear all button.
    • Improved patient history page layout.
    • Fixed an issue that shows discharge labels instead of room numbers in the patient stages widget.
    • Fixed an issue that showed cached data of the previous patient on the patient page while waiting for the current patient query.
    • Increased browser compatibility by using Firefox ESR as the minimum modern browser target.
    • Fixed a bug that causes inconsistent polling durations and query params for the nurse rounding query on the patient page
    • Various other minor fixes and improvements.
    Care Automation
    February 4, 2022

    Patient History

    We released a brand new patient history page that displays all data from the previous patient stays. Administrators can identify past issues (e.g., falls, discharge delays) by reviewing the timeline of all events from all the beds patient has been admitted and transferred.

    As we continue to add more insights by working together with nurses and physicians, here are a few things you can do today:

    • See if a patient hit daily mobility targets and distinguish between types of activity.
    • How much the patient needed nurse attention and how often nurse visits disrupted their sleep.
    • Identify delays between admit or transfer requests and patients' arrival into their beds.

    New activity: Chair Sit

    Ouva now detects chair sitting as a separate activity. You can see the new activity in the patient status and as a unique activity under mobility. Nurses can set additional alarms to alert nurses when high fall-risk patients leave the chair unattended.

    Fixes & improvements

    • Color-coded events based on their severity in the timeline log.
    • Eliminated latency accumulation between video capture and pose display.
    • We now parse & validate GraphQL queries to defend against DoS attacks.
    • Improved readability by updating tables inside patients, rooms, and sensors pages with a striped pattern.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented admitting/transferring patients without reopening the drawer.
    • Reduced memory usage by improving service cleanup after patient discharge.
    • Fixed an issue that can result in a skipped pose event when there is an error related to patient session mode.
    • Fixed an issue that can nullify room reference keys of patient session records.
    • Fixed an issue that caused some services to consume more Garge Collection pause time & some thread context switching problems.

    Care Automation
    January 6, 2022

    Doors in Live View

    Live view now visualizes the doors in the room.


    Patient selection field in dashboard and room selection field in patients table now have autocomplete search.

    Fixes & improvements

    • Segmentation service supports a higher range of GPU architectures allowing facilities to choose from more variety of hardware.
    • There is a new maximum attempt limit for user login as an extra security measure.
    • Fixed a bug that stops the entire Machine Learning pipeline.
    • Configured all of the Machine Learning services to fetch their configuration from a central service.
    • All communication between services are now validated before processing.
    Care Automation
    December 10, 2021

    Patient View

    • Fixed multiple bugs preventing room assets from drawing in the patient view.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Timeline messages that don't conform to patient risk flags.
    • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate risk messages in the timeline card.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented notifications from cancellation when a new visitor entered the room.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the live view to stop when the same end-user with a different session leaves the patient view from another browser tab.
    • Fixed a bug that caused "patient arrived" timeline messages to be out of order, sometimes.
    • Fixed a race condition that cancels the room's first patient notification.
    • Improved room layout detection: Partial object detection is eliminated.
    • Improved patient status detection when patient is sitting on the bed.
    • Improved the stability of the room occupancy.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented fall & wander risk alerts not showing up in the notifications card.
    • Fixed a bug that shows invalid 12h format instead of 24h in nurse rounding chart records.
    • Fix invalid occupant count on patient view.
    • Improved live view pose drawing.
    • Fixed a bug where patient page keeps polling for widgets after patient is fully discharged.
    • Added department and room number to the patient information section in patient view.

    Staff Detection

    • Improved staff detection with a new ML model.
    • Fixed a bug that causes a patient is detected as hospital staff.


    • Fixed and added missing Dutch translations.
    • Fixed missing localization keys for the risk and status filters in patients administration page.
    • Made web client place surname first depending on region and localization configuration.

    Other Changes & Fixes

    • Added Medical ID field to the patient profile.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented searching by case-insensitive patient name.
    • Fixed a bug that dismisses the dropdown menu during network updates in patients and beds administration page.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed a room to be deleted even if there is a sensor associated with it.
    • Improved overall web app network performance.
    • Added a redirection to dashboard when patient is discharged and left the room to avoid misleading information.
    • Made all notification messages have session information to allow us to query by old sessions that are going to be used in the patient history view.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented releasing resources after discharging a patient.
    • Added message retry mechanism to handle failed messages properly.
    • Fixed a bug that caused some services to wait indefinitely when an advertised port in the config was wrong.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the home view to miss some replication records after a database restart.
    • Upgraded the identity and access management solution to include various fixes regarding LDAP user sync and user authentication mechanisms.
    Care Automation
    October 13, 2021
    • 'Force leave' button is now visible for all users.
    • Some further performance improvements made regarding nurse rounding data.
    • Delete actions are implemented for department view and room view.
    • Other minor bug fixes and system upgrades.
    Care Automation
    October 6, 2021

    Patient session-based access

    We store each patient visit as a separate "patient session" from now on. That allows the dashboard (and patient live view) to always display the most up-to-date data related to the latest session and also opens up new possibilities for complex reporting in the upcoming patient history page.

    Room & department views

    Rooms and departments have their own view to list. Users with service role now can view create or update rooms and departments.

    Other improvements

    • You can see when the alerts appeared and were resolved in the timeline widget.
    • Medical ID property added to patients for future matching with the hospital records.
    • Fall risk alert notification will also be triggered when a sitting patient gets up.
    • Some performance improvements regarding patient mobility and nurse rounding data.
    • Fixed an error regarding a patient action in mobility calculation.
    • Other minor bug fixes and system upgrades.
    Virtual Assistant
    October 6, 2021

    Mobile Navigation ✨

    With this update, we have brought Ouva wayfinding to mobile devices. Scan the QR code the screen and take the same 3D wayfinding experience on the go - no app needed.

    Virtual Assistant
    August 31, 2021

    Increased Sensitivity

    This update increases detection of user presence in front of the screens.

    • System waits for 15 seconds before stopping to listen for input after the user leaves.
    • Sensor will activate after less movement to mitigate the issues happening from users not moving while interacting.
    Care Automation
    August 16, 2021

    Minor Improvements

    • Dutch translation improvements.
    • Last name is shown before first name based on the platform region.
    Care Automation
    August 6, 2021

    🗣️ Multiple-language Support

    Starting with Dutch, Ouva dashboard now is enabled in multiple languages, including specific rules (gender rules, plural rules) and local date format support.

    Care Automation
    August 3, 2021

    This is the first, versioned release of our platform beta.

    Role-based access

    We have completed role-based access functionality for our dashboard. This feature is developed with the least-privileged access methodology in mind. Currently, there are two roles: User and Service. The users without the Service role will not be able to access technical functionality such as Force-Leave, Sensor configuration and others.

    Other improvements

    • You can track visitor entrance/exits in the timeline.
    • You cannot delete patients who are currently admitted to a bed.
    • Other minor bug fixes and system upgrades.
    Virtual Assistant
    May 17, 2021

    This update brings a list of improvements to the map and speech interface and makes space for upcoming QR code/mobile release and voice capture improvements. We have replaced the old assistant interface with an improved one, and made several changes to the wayfinding system.

    Readable directions

    Verbal directions are now displayed on screen along with the route, in order to make it easier for people who prefer readable directions over maps.

    Quick and clear suggestions

    For first-time users, clear directions and suggestions are given for how to use the system.

    Wayshowing routes

    We have created permanent, color-coded wayshowing routes that display routes to chosen destinations. This allows visitors to quickly identify the way to common destinations without having to use voice or mobile directions.

    Improved map display

    • New "You" icon with animation displays current location of the visitor.
    • Route moves with arrows along direction of travel for better comprehension.
    • Elevator stops along route are made easier to read.
    • Route labels use thicker characters for easier readability.

    More assistant updates

    • Clearly animated voice interface with microphone sign.
    • Microphone pulses as more speech captured for more responsive feel.
    Virtual Assistant
    August 17, 2020


    Ouva will now display announcements set for each device on the dashboard. There is currently no limitation on length, but we recommend maximum 140 characters for readability.

    Virtual Assistant
    August 3, 2020

    Suggestions to get started

    Ouva will now display rotating suggestions after a few seconds for users to know how to get started.

    Better route & map display

    • Improved map display with more color contrast
    • Clear & memorable steps along the route with landmarks
    • Simplified elevator destination floor display (previously would show in a long text).
    • Map labels get hidden instead of extending
    • Improved drawing of overlapping routes for better distinction
    • Route with elevator shows simplified intermediate floors
    • Ouva assistant moves with the map for more immersive display.

    Clearer interface for viewing from distance

    Here are all the related changes:

    • Ouva assistant and text is bigger and centered to capture attention.
    • The floor number is bigger and emphasized with color
    • Single color across floor and character to visually understand building from distance
    • Bigger and centered speech indicator

    Other changes

    • Improved color template for better contrast
    • Improved rendering to make smoother lines
    • Bug fixes
    Virtual Assistant
    July 3, 2020

    Activate search by staff names

    You can now search by staff name. Here are a few examples:

    • “Kamala Tamirissa”
    • “I want to see Dr. Tamirissa?”
    • “Where is Dr. Tamirissa’s office?”

    Paths with accessibility categories

    We have added categorizations to paths as below.

    • Available - Accessible by everyone.
    • Unavailable - Temporarily not accessible.
    • Unauthorized - Require staff authorization.

    In a planned future update, Ouva will let the person know that to get to an unauthorized destination, they need to check in with staff.

    Simpler, shorter phrases on screen

    We have updated phrases to be shorter.

    Search by floor

    You can now narrow your search by floor. Here are a few examples:

    • “2nd floor conference room”
    • “4th floor patient rooms”
    • “Take me to 3rd floor nurse station”

    You can combine it with building names as well.

    • “2 north conference room”

    Search by room number

    You can search by room numbers in any available suite. If the room location is known, it will take you there, otherwise it will take you to the suite. Here are a few examples:

    • “216”
    • “Do you know here suite 216 is?”
    • “Take me to 216”

    Asking for suite shows range of room numbers

    When you ask for a suite, it will now show the range of rooms in that suite next to its name.

    Virtual Assistant
    March 30, 2020

    Search by suite number

    You can now search by room or suite number. Here are a few examples:

    • “Where is suite 265?”
    • “I’m looking for patient room 310”

    You can ask for locations in another building

    As visitors may enter one building (e.g. from garage) while they need to get to another, they can now ask for a location combined with the building name as below:

    • “Where is the Spine ICU?”
    • “Heart building patient rooms”

    Asking for a building takes you to lobby

    If you ask for a specific building, you will now be taken to its lobby (if you are not in that building). If you are in the right building, Ouva will let you know.

    Other updates

    • We have made animations smoother
    • Map now only shows the nearest exit sign to reduce clutter
    • Minor bug fixes.
    Virtual Assistant
    March 20, 2020

    This version improves voice capture performance

    Virtual Assistant
    March 12, 2020

    This update resolves a critical bug that caused the system to crash upon asking a question.

    Virtual Assistant
    March 11, 2020

    Announcement display released

    Search by doctor's name 👨‍⚕️

    If you are going to a doctor’s office, you can search by the name of the staff. If set up for your facility, Ouva will navigate you directly to the office, otherwise it will take you to front desk for further help.

    Search by room numbers 🔢

    If you know the suite number you are going to, you can ask Ouva for it.

    Other Fixes & Improvements

    • Fixes to the recognition of queries.
    • Stairs are now displayed on the map.
    • Automatic detection and resolution of microphone issues
    • Distinction between cafeteria and coffee shop: Asking for "starbucks", "drink" etc. will take you to coffee shop. while asking for "food" will take you to the cafeteria.
    • New locations added to the map.