New person detection model
We replaced the previous pose-based people detection model with a new modern one that is faster and performs better in cases where the system previously failed (e.g., sitting in bed with the back towards the camera).

As part of this new change, the live view no longer displays poses and shouldn't be relied on to understand patient status. With this update, the Ouva bed and patient status are more accurate, and users should use it instead of live visualization. We are currently soliciting feedback from customers and partners to deliver an improved live view to solve specific telehealth challenges.
Faster bed and sensor setup
We implemented a new 'Beds' dialog, where sensors and beds can be created together for fixed camera deployments. With the 'Create more' button, you can quickly set up as many devices as you need without reopening the dialog.

Fixes and Improvements
- Improved the readability of the Hourly Mobility Chart by reducing the quantity of labels on the horizontal axis.
- Live view now shows 'Connecting', previously, it showed 'Offline' until it connected.
- The mini alerts that appear on top of the application when an error is received can now be dismissed before its timer.
- Fixed a bug preventing the use of updated bed and chair locations.
- Resolved an issue wherein dropdown menu items were not interactable outside the text boundaries, thereby improving usability.
- Eliminated issues where Ouva wrongly classified patients as out of the room.
- Fixed a minor bug that prevents the web application from requesting room layout in the new room view.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused logging to halt.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused authentication problems.
- Fixed a major bug in Kubernetes deployments that caused multiple patient sessions and prevented generating new notifications due to the wrong patient session.
- We improved the speed at which records are retrieved from the database.
- Added 'd' after the length of stay in the patient header.
- Resolved an issue that prevented scrolling to the last item in the Inbox.
- Improved Dutch translations 🇳🇱
These technical changes are related to security and deployment procedures.
- Migrated all Ouva backend services to mitigate dozens of potential security vulnerabilities.
- We replaced the deprecated and vulnerable authentication mechanism with one that allows us to implement all of the security requirements defined by OAuth2.0 spec. In addition to the existing token authenticity check, we can now validate "who" generated the tokens.
- We can now upgrade to the newer Keycloak versions that support cloud (i.e., Kubernetes) deployments.
- The new library can auto-configure itself based on one Keycloak URL, removing a complex and error-prone operational step in future releases.
- Updated documentation for all APIs to include all exposed endpoints and to indicate all mandatory fields.