
Wander Management

Keep an eye on every patient, measure all activity and behavior changes to ensure their safety.
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Remote Patient Monitoring
Ouva dashboard showing a notification that patient mobility has decreased

Mobility Analysis

Keep track of patient activity including steps taken, bed exercises and patient’s posture.

Fall Prevention

See changes in behavior that lead to falls in high-risk patients and act in real-time via emergency alerts.
Fall prevention dashboard
Pressure Injury Prevention Dashboard

Pressure Injury Prevention

Monitor patient orientation in bed and get notified when it is time to turn.

Wander Management

Track patient location and get alerts when there is a delay in returning back to bed.
Wander Management Dashboard

Guide to Implementing AI in Healthcare Facilities

Learn what it takes to use AI solutions to prepare your facility for the changing needs of healthcare in the next decade.
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Average hospitalization cost for a fall injury is $35K[1] Medicare estimated $43K per person added cost to the hospitals from pressure injuries [2].
[1] Journal of Safety Research, 52, 65–70.
[2] Are We Ready for This Change? Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals: A Toolkit for Improving Quality of Care.
savings per year for a 100 bed facility.
Remote patient monitoring dashboard home screen

Deliver care at scale.

Centrally monitor and guide thousands of patients and precisely tune your operation for maximum efficiency and outcomes.

Evidence-based Outcomes

Powerful solutions to the most critical care challenges.
Driven by smart infrastructure for entire patient journey.
Time icon
Decrease the patient's length of stay
People identity icon
Increase staff availability
Reduce cost of treatment
Reduce cost of treatment.
Brand flag icon
Increase patient and staff satisfaction

Ready to learn more?

Schedule a demo call with a product specialist who can answer any questions and show you the platform.