We are a small but growing team with big ambitions - to bring a better experience to caring for patients around the world. It can be nerve-racking to join such a team in the middle of the run and feel like you need to run at the same speed from day 1. It does not have to be that way as every new team member is entitled to the same learning processes prior team members went through to become established members of the Ouva community.

Therefore, we are creating this public handbook to guide new colleagues through the experiences we picked up as we have built Ouva. Our motivation from the first day we started Ouva has been to bring a new type of organization - clear and open. Developing this guide as a public document is one of the steps to getting there.

This guide is also about making sure that we stick to our core values and principles. That is one of the reasons why we publish this document as an editable repository. Every Ouva member can point out our methods described in this document if they do not align with the values. We should not say one thing and do another.

Therefore, if you have just joined Ouva, we expect you to take part in this journey and build great products and an environment where everyone can reach their full potential.


How We Work

How We Build


Time Off


